A female student takes part in an ABC CREATE Summer STEAM Camp for females held at Plum High School. The camp, led by educators in ABC CREATE member school districts, aimed to expose young girls to STEM-related technologies and careers. The camp also included professional development training for teachers.
Two teachers work with a Hummingbird Duo robotics kit during an ABC CREATE STEAM summer camp training held at Plum High School. The kits are just one of many technologies and resources available in ABC CREATE's lending library for educators in the 14 member school districts.
Two teachers work with a Hummingbird Duo robotics kit during an ABC CREATE STEAM summer camp training held at Plum High School. The kits are just one of many technologies and resources available in ABC CREATE's lending library for educators in the 14 member school districts.
More than 200 education, business, industry and government leaders gathered at Penn State New Kensington in December 2018 for a luncheon event focused on Industry 4.0, the predicted next industrial revolution. The event featured speakers and industry experts who spoke about Industry 4.0 and what it means for students, workers, communities and all fields.
Penn State THON students reveal the 2019 fundraising total of $10,621,683.76. THON, the world's largest student-run philanthropy, has raised more than $157 million for children and families affected by childhood cancer. The Penn State New Kensington THON team raised more than $27,000 for the total, which allowed the team to break into the Top 10 fundraising Commonwealth Campuses.
A young child sits on a man's shoulders during THON 2019 at the Bryce Jordan Center. The annual event has raised more than $157 million for Four Diamonds, an organization that aids children and families affected by childhood cancer.
Members of the Penn State New Kensington THON team dance on the floor of the Bryce Jordan Center during THON 2019. Pictured, left to right, is Dylan Hamilton, Adam Johnson, Jon Schofield, Bradyn Claycomb and Ashley Worlds.
Penn State New Kensington students can be seen holding signs and cheering on the 2019 THON dancers from the stands of the Bryce Jordan Center. More than 40 students from the campus traveled to the University Park campus for the event.