Robert Mathers is Penn State New Kensington’s newest full professor. His promotion in June to professor of chemistry gives the campus four full professors among its 38 faculty.
CSI notwithstanding, forensics experts cannot always retrieve fingerprints from objects, but a conformal coating process developed by Penn State professors can reveal hard-to-develop fingerprints on nonporous surfaces without altering the chemistry of the print. "As prints dry or age, the common techniques used to develop latent fingerprints, such as dusting or cyanoacrylate -- SuperGlue -- fuming often fail," said Robert Shaler, professor of biochemistry and molecular biology and director of Penn State's forensic sciences program.
Over the past year, the look and feel of Penn State Live has undergone some subtle changes. Now, the site has experienced its first major facelift since it was launched in April 2003. The first major difference in the site is a large, horizontal image at the top of the page. There will be a variety of images in this space, and visitors to the site can click through to see everything that's there. Clicking on these images will link the user to additional content -- photos, stories or videos about the topic in the original image. A key new feature to the site is the ability for readers to easily access additional stories related to the one they just read. Please take our site survey by clicking on online.
Over the past year, the look and feel of Penn State Live has undergone some subtle changes. Now, the site has experienced its first major facelift since it was launched in April 2003. The first major difference in the site is a large, horizontal image at the top of the page. There will be a variety of images in this space, and visitors to the site can click through to see everything that's there. Clicking on these images will link the user to additional content -- photos, stories or videos about the topic in the original image. A key new feature to the site is the ability for readers to easily access additional stories related to the one they just read. Please take our site survey by clicking on online.